Though...I have selected several Omnia videos for you...because....who can stop at 1?! Looty was the first Peke to set paw in Britain, having been brought back from China following the Second Opium War and subsequently being presented to Queen Victoria (as war booty...or loot) in April of 1861. Her story, as well as that of the strange juxtaposed lives of the empress Tsu Hsi & Queen Victoria, are well documented & brilliantly exemplified by Rumer Godden in her book "The Butterfly Lions". Our favourite butterfly lion had been found by Captain John Hart Dunne of the 99th Regiment on the 10/06/1860 sacking of the Summer Palace near Beijing ("Peking"as it was called then). Upon his return to England he presented Looty to Queen Victoria for 'the Royal Collection of dogs'. Looty was considered 'the smallest and by far the most beautiful little animal that has appeared in this country'. When the superb artist F.W. Keyl was asked to sketch Looty he was told he 'must put something to shew its size, it is remarkably small'. A replica of this picture was painted for Captain Dunne. Looty was a "sleeve dog"...a tiny companion which one could hide within the wing-like sleeves of one's robes. To this day, we refer to the occasional tiny specimens which pop-up in our litters from time-to-time as "Sleeves"... Looty's painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1862. Georges-Louis Leclerc, otherwise known as the Count of Buffon: 1707-1788. Was a brilliant Burgundian of insatiable curiousity, LeClerc is known as a naturalist, mathematician, cosmologist & encyclopediste, it is for the superb writing found in his opus... "Natural History" for which he is most regarded. He is also inarguably deemed as being the first person to seed the concept of evolution. Of him, Darwin commented: "If Buffon had assumed that his organic molecules had been formed by each separate unit throughout the body, his view and mine would have been very closely similar." He had some absolutely wild & wondrous concepts & was not afraid to put them into print, often with retractions, which though forthcoming, did not in any manner whatsoever compel him to modify his original pastiche, fact, he kept on printing away. Not only was he thought-provoking amidst even the highest echelon thinkers of the era, he was also obliquely provoking! Among those who said as much: Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire, countless Theologians, the esteemed encyclopedie Jean Le Rond d"Alembert & others, various & sundry. Before I give you the impression that he was an irresponsible bon vivante....please know that au contraire....his mind & high-thinking are/were the pride of France & the world of high-minds in general. Click right here to venture to the Gutenberg to pore over his volume involving the dog... |
AuthorHowl-O! I'm Julia Jensen- devoted student of dogs & religious sampler of cheesecake, wheat beer, huehuetenango coffee & almost any chocolate out there. I indulge these fancies & more, in the remote silence of the pacific NW. *PLEASE NOTE* The videos selected for bloghism could be construed as "disturbing" to those of certain bents, sensitivities, natures, mind-sets, etc.. I have a distinct interest in relaying footage of dogs doing what they have been doing for centuries....& in some cases, I also include dog show footage just as a matter of interest. If you do not like my selections, by all means, do not view them. Archives
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